Second Annual NY Hot Jazz Festival

  One can’t even put into words the wonderful hot mess that was the second annual NY Hot Jazz Fest. Picture hundreds of people milling around a super swanky (albeit small) venue with thick carpeting and massive oil portraits hanging from the walls — that being The Players Club, founded by Edwin Booth in 1888 and originally a […]

The Hunger Mt. Boys and The Felice Brothers at Club Helsinki

Both bands playing at Club Helsinki last Saturday are fantastic and have local roots, a combination that made for a truly wonderful night. There’s something really special about a hometown show (I use the term “hometown” loosely, referring not to an official hometown but to any show in the surrounding area). A band might tour […]


This page is all about music.

 Music is my life. Playing it, listening to it, going to concerts… I go to a lot of concerts. I mean a LOT. One of the earliest concerts I attended was of Pete Seeger. I was two or three. Everyone kept commenting to my mom about how well I moved to the music. I love dance too, I’ve studied and tried every kind known, but that’s another story. Back to the music! Basically, I just like the following:

Swing, Jazz, Bluegrass, Americana, Folk, Alternative, Punk, Traditional, Blues, Scottish, Irish, Classical……….

 You know, the basics.

 I have to give thanks to my mom and dad for taking me to so many concerts when I was but a wee lass. I have nothing but good memories. Well, except for this one classical concert they took me to at Bard College when I was about six, and the pianist played sixteen variations on a theme, I was in the front row, and had a runny nose but no tissues…… Yeah… 

Moving on.

I decided to create a blog to write about the shows I go see, and to share with you some of the musicians I love, some of the venues I love, some of the cd’s/records/cassette’s I love, etc. (Yes, cassete’s still exist, and yes, I can be somewhat “old school” at times, if you will). I hope that you find my “reviews” interesting, and insightful, and that you go out and see some of the bands I mention!


 P.S. I realize that my nod to cassette tapes might mislead some people about my age. Believe it or not, I WAS born after cd’s were invented, thank you very much…. I just happen to drive a, uh, old car that doesn’t have a cd player, okay?? I also have a bunch of vinyl, but let’s not even get into that……